Last Night Bartending

My last night at the Blue Moon was last night. Rather sad, really, but necessary. The month of July was looking pretty crazy, so I put in my notice. Hopefully, now I can finish what needs to get done this summer. Also, yesterday, Laura, Dad, and I cleaned out our tack shed. When I was little, no one was even able to get in the door because of all the junk stored there...(didn't used to be a tack shed--back in the day it was a blacksmith shed)...and then we cleaned out part so we could store equine gear there. We finally started loading stuff in the back of the truck to head to the dump, and in the process, we discovered various and sundry pieces of history. We also found a lot of JUNK! I had to work before we finished, and by the time I returned, it was completely cleaned out and VERY beautiful. I love it when progress on any project or goal becomes so increasingly visible as the task goes along. And you know, I was pondering the thought that the tack shed is much like our lives.
We need to sort through the junk, find the things worth recycling, and take the rest to the dump, never to resurface in our lives. We amble along through life, allowing unnecessary baggage clutter our daily walks, and tend to stick it in storage, rather than letting Jesus deal with it. Why not let him take the junk away and polish up the hidden treasures within us so they can be put to use, rather than sitting under years of dirt and grime?
Well, it's late...or early...and I have a full plate. Aren't you glad this is a brief entry? ;)


Anonymous said…
Hmmm. I suppose you have a point about junk, but I have another perspective to propose. I think that being buried could be a good thing, depending on when a treasure is to be used. It is very hard to get things to last a long time. Sometimes, if a treasure needs to last a long time, it needs to be buried and hidden, protected from the wear and tear of use and the rough comings and goings of history, waiting for the right moment to resurface. The dead sea scrolls would likely not have survived the Jewish diaspora if they hadn't been lost, abandoned in a set of caves. And now we have these great documents to corroborate the Jewish textural tradition that carried the Law and the Prophets to today. Likewise bone will weather if sitting out in the sun, eventually becoming dust, but bury it underground and in a cave and, sometimes, it will last for a very long time. So while I always advocate getting rid of junk in our lives, I can see where excessive cleaning of safe storage places could be robing the future of its own important discoveries.

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