My Existential Rabbit Hole: Internal Family Systems (IFS) Magic Media AI Image Generator, 2024
(Image credit to Kristel Koukoua using Magic Design AI Image Generator, 2024)

        I first encountered mention of Internal Family Systems (IFS) in the book The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk.  However, as the case study included in that chapter had a split personality disorder, I thought that it only applied to people with such issues, so I mostly skipped over it.  Then, when I started seeing a licensed therapist to help me navigate healing and processing trauma and triggers beyond what I was able to address on my own through research and self-study, he introduced me again to IFS and it has opened up an entire world of extra exploration for me: IFS is my new existential rabbit hole!

        I have come to the realization that God made all His creation good to begin with.  Indeed, it was very good.  Satan cannot create, as he was not created with imago dei as humans were.  Therefore, all he can do is take what is good and distort it.  I love when believers enter into creative and professional spaces and take back what was originally born of light and spreading hope in the spaces that those things had been snuffed out by the distortions of truth and life.  I feel the same way about is SO therapeutic and life-giving...certainly not all dance is glorifying God, but it's a space that was God's first, and therefore, we have authority to move into them and reclaim art and expression for light, love, and truth.

        I had a conversation recently with a dear friend about how, while neither of us believe Buddhism is the way to life, the parts that bring goodness into some people's lives are actually based in God's preexisting Truth.  (Forgive my existential rabbit hole!)  There are several different levels of Buddhist enlightenment that actually remind me of our priorities as believers in Christ.  If Level 1 is to take refuge and take responsibility for oneself is the foundation, it sounds very much like acknowledge that God is the one true God and our shelter, and that we only have power to control and be responsible for our own actions.  Level 2...understanding the essential teachings....rather than of Buddha, of Christ.  Level I said before in my blog, not emptying our minds, but to fill them with simple truths and declarations of life and growth over ourselves.  Level 4 training...practicing and developing our gifts of the Spirit.  Level 5...instead of karma...Galatians 6:7.."God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows."  This step is important for us to realized that what we focus on and feed our minds, we will reap.  What we invest in our relationships, we will reap.  Level 6, renewing our motivation and minds to continue growing and not grow stagnant...continually returning to our First Love and remembering why we chose to follow Jesus in the first place.  Level 7, developing insight, maturity, and practicing the gifts of Spirit to encourage, edify, and take back authority from the Enemy that sin turned over to him in the things of this world.  Level 8 is to explore psychology...I truly think that we are called to explore and steward the things of creation...which includes understanding science and medicine, and how to grow and help others.  Then, in Level 9, rather than simply finding self-liberation by denying oneself all desires, I believe we find freedom and "enlightenment" when we find the love of Christ for ourselves, our enemies, the messiness of mankind...a pairing of grace and truth that removes us from the Judgment Seat and lets God the Father deal with that part, and we simply live out the greatest commandment by loving God and loving people in our day-to-day lives without adding to or taking away from the life and beauty that brings into our spaces. 

        White Americans by no means have the corner on the Truth market.  I believe every culture and every tongue across time has somehow demonstrated that imago dei...the exquisite diversity that is apparent in literally everything in creation.  I think that Japanese culture has a beautiful tradition of honor and respect for human life and the good of the community.  They exemplify excellence in self control, achievement, taking care of one's neighbor, and appreciating the beauty in nature.  Chinese culture has a strong sense of family and respect as well, and often teaches that if a person has not achieved excellence, it is simply because they have not worked at it hard or long enough.  Education is highly valued in both.  I think that anything that produces good fruit in our lives is from God, and belonged to him before it belonged to any one people group or teaching.  Similar to my thoughts on yoga.  I do not believe it is healthy to do poses that were by default positions designed to worship false gods and demons.  However, God designed our bodies to move and stretch, and cross over from one brain hemisphere to the other, to release stored stress and buried emotions.  So, therefore, I do not believe that all stretching is yoga, or that everyone who does yoga is inherently worshiping demons.  Meditation and affirmations/mantras I believe predate Buddhism and Asian culture; I believe that affirming truth in the mundane is truly what 1 Thessalonians 5:17 is talking else can we pray without ceasing?  We breathe in Yah and exhale Weh (A. Johnson, personal communication, June 30, 2024) to fill our entire beings with God's presence, we look for him and listen for him in the novel and the mundane, and we grow and challenge the untruths in our lives by declaring truth into those spaces to reroute our neural pathways to align to the truth of God in us. 

        I am now up to a whopping 5 visits with my therapist, and he started me on Internal Family Systems (IFS).  I have been chewing on it a lot lately.  So, the secular world calls it a sense of Self, my therapist called it the imago dei in each of us that has never been touched by sin or pain and hurt.  It's the truth of who God made us to be, and because it is him in us, nothing we do or have happen to us touches the truth of it in our deepest beings.  There are different parts of us that ARE affected by our traumas, our own sin and choices, etc., but even those parts are designed for our GOOD.  He explained that there are no bad parts...they just sometimes get out of balance (maybe the original idea behind yin and yang?), and out of balance, they cause us harm and block healing and growth in their fullness of what is possible.  So, the first time my therapist described this to me, I got a picture of our imago dei being this crystal in our centers of pure, incorruptible light and truth.  I used Canva to capture it as best as I could in a few minutes of work (see attached IFS picture).  The other parts are swirling around us around that core crystal of many facets and beautiful diversity.  Whenever we meditate and/or speak the truth of that core over ourselves, it brings healing and life to our bodies, brains, and lives because it realigns the out-of-balance parts to work together with who God says we are and who he created us to be...the part of him he designed us to reflect to the world.  So, the other parts are the Exiles, the Managers, and the Firefighters.  While your case may not include betrayal trauma or fighting addiction, the following resource from Pure Desire Podcast does a really great job of describing IFS in two episodes, 216 and 217.

        The older I get in my walk with the Lord...the freer I become...and my metamorphoo is, in essence, me finding what that core is and speaking it to myself until I believe it and live it. 


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