Tacky Twirls and Dated Dances
UCF had an 80's dance this past Friday. Gotta love dancin'...gotta love/hate the 80's. I signed up
for cleanup, but Rod called me mid-afternoon and asked if they could borrow our TV, so I brought it over and helped with setup as well. For those of you who know me well, you KNOW I'm not a decorator. OK, so I like painting...but my walls are bare, with the exception of my calendar, and nothing in my bedroom matches. But I decided I like decorating with a bunch of guys. :) Just my style. We used streamers to line the walls, and tacked it to the walls with a staple gun in various places. We mixed colors such as orange and yellow, green and purple, and hung Christmas lights above the dance floor. We put out yellow and blue chairs, (probably from the 60's or something), around the dance floor, and blew up over a 100 balloons to grace the dance floor. We also sprinkled confetti and tinsel all over the floor. We had one strip of colored cellophane over the tables, and 3 TVs playing 80s movies in random places around the floor. So yeah, it was fantastic.
Whitney brought in her Cross Movement cd, and since the guys were hooking up the sound system, we got to listen to some tunes while we finished up. Timbo can break dance! How cool is that? The dance didn't start until 9 PM, so I went back home when we all finished up.
I went to pick up Laaziza, and met her roommate Saradna, from Mexico City. I was thrilled, and we convinced her to come with. The dance was awesome. It started out kinda lame...almost like a highschool dance...where everyone lines the walls, or stands in little groups and stares at the dance floor like it's gonna bite 'em. But after a while, some people got out there, and then the party started. Rob brought a lot of the foreign exchange students from the Asian countries, and some Middle Eastern guys showed up briefly, which made it even more fun. Cleanup was not as much fun as the dance. Because the dance club and the fencing club both meet in the top of the SOB barn, we had to get the floor spotless. That meant getting rid of
every bit of confetti, streamer, spilled punch, etc. We got done around midnight or so, and I came back took a shower, and fell into bed.
The next day, Saradna, Aziza, and I went to La Tinga for lunch. Everything was amazing! The most expensive thing on the menu was $3.75! And the food was fantastic. Dad would hate it though, cuz they had real spices. Good stuff. Aziza and I practiced our Spanish, and Saradna helped us. Since Aziza is working on getting her driver's license here in a couple weeks, Saradna let her drive part of the way back to campus. It's been a while since I've been in the car with a beginning driver. She did a great job.
I'm done with my paraprofessional experience now, so I'll have some more time in the mornings to work on my final papers due at the end of the month. I can't believe it's almost time to head home again...back to work. I'm working at filling out this gigantic form online for the USFS so they can hire me as a permanent seasonal, rather than a student. That way, I could work for them even if I'm not a student.
Well, almost time for class. Hasta pronto.
Whitney brought in her Cross Movement cd, and since the guys were hooking up the sound system, we got to listen to some tunes while we finished up. Timbo can break dance! How cool is that? The dance didn't start until 9 PM, so I went back home when we all finished up.
I went to pick up Laaziza, and met her roommate Saradna, from Mexico City. I was thrilled, and we convinced her to come with. The dance was awesome. It started out kinda lame...almost like a highschool dance...where everyone lines the walls, or stands in little groups and stares at the dance floor like it's gonna bite 'em. But after a while, some people got out there, and then the party started. Rob brought a lot of the foreign exchange students from the Asian countries, and some Middle Eastern guys showed up briefly, which made it even more fun. Cleanup was not as much fun as the dance. Because the dance club and the fencing club both meet in the top of the SOB barn, we had to get the floor spotless. That meant getting rid of
The next day, Saradna, Aziza, and I went to La Tinga for lunch. Everything was amazing! The most expensive thing on the menu was $3.75! And the food was fantastic. Dad would hate it though, cuz they had real spices. Good stuff. Aziza and I practiced our Spanish, and Saradna helped us. Since Aziza is working on getting her driver's license here in a couple weeks, Saradna let her drive part of the way back to campus. It's been a while since I've been in the car with a beginning driver. She did a great job.
I'm done with my paraprofessional experience now, so I'll have some more time in the mornings to work on my final papers due at the end of the month. I can't believe it's almost time to head home again...back to work. I'm working at filling out this gigantic form online for the USFS so they can hire me as a permanent seasonal, rather than a student. That way, I could work for them even if I'm not a student.
Well, almost time for class. Hasta pronto.