
Nothing ever can quite prepare a person to be a parent.  Of course, we can always study, ask advice, collect resources, and make a plan of action our minds, but at the end of the day, when the months of pregnancy end, and a living, squirming bundle is cradled oh-so-uncertainly in one's arms, it's a rare phenomenon.  One suddenly feels as though she knows nothing and had no idea whatsoever all along.

I am loving being a mom!  Our son is a delight, and utterly adorable, even at 0100, and 0326, and get the picture.  My years of sleeping through the night undisturbed came to an abrupt halt, and, though I do miss the rest that came with them, I wouldn't wish them back at the cost of erasing the cause of my sleeplessness.  The spit up isn't as bad as I remember it being from babysitting, and the diapers are no bother at all.  Well, there was that one blow-out on the airplane RIGHT before we took off, when we were surrounded by all men, and I was hyper aware of the smells and sounds associated with having a mess to deal with, and the diaper bag was conveniently located around aisle 43...while we were located on aisle 5.  But really, we have been blessed by a beautiful boy who gets bigger every day.

My favorite part of the day has become our nap times, snuggling.  I realize this season will be short indeed, and I'm so glad I get to enjoy them.  My most challenging life-change is the change in what productivity looks like!  I'm used to making lists of tasks and knocking them all out in short order.  I'm lucky now if I ever get around to writing down the list...because it usually has to be accomplished one-handed while feeding/burping/changing/soothing the wee one.

We have a big learning curve to swallow.  Some days, I feel as though we bit off a pretty big chunk.  But, LORD-willing, I will swallow it without choking too many times and savor the experience as we learn and grow as newby parents until one day, perhaps we'll look back on this moment and laugh at our awkwardness and struggles as if they were a mere memory.


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