Fantastical Finales
Wahoo! The semester is finally over! Yessssssss!!!!! Looking back over the past few months, I feel a sense of...I dunno, remorse/happiness/relief? (Would that be called repief?) So much has changed in my life this year. Isn't that what I expected? My pursuit of God has brought me into the strangest, most unexpected places possible. But that is what I asked for, wasn't it? Haven't I asked Him time and time again to give me adventures in which He reveals more of Himself to me? I desire to be trusted with much, but it seems over the fleeting months of this semester, I have not been a great steward of the much that God gave me. So I am resolved to start back with the little things. Like time. I desire to be wise with my time. Like words. I desire to be wise with my words. Like prayer. I desire to be a prayer warrior who is feared by those spiritual forces against which we battle with God as our general. Like integrity. I desire to always do God's will with utmost passion, n...