
Showing posts from December, 2005

Fantastical Finales

Wahoo! The semester is finally over! Yessssssss!!!!! Looking back over the past few months, I feel a sense of...I dunno, remorse/happiness/relief? (Would that be called repief?) So much has changed in my life this year. Isn't that what I expected? My pursuit of God has brought me into the strangest, most unexpected places possible. But that is what I asked for, wasn't it? Haven't I asked Him time and time again to give me adventures in which He reveals more of Himself to me? I desire to be trusted with much, but it seems over the fleeting months of this semester, I have not been a great steward of the much that God gave me. So I am resolved to start back with the little things. Like time. I desire to be wise with my time. Like words. I desire to be wise with my words. Like prayer. I desire to be a prayer warrior who is feared by those spiritual forces against which we battle with God as our general. Like integrity. I desire to always do God's will with utmost passion, n...

A Weird Mixture of Dating and Marshmallow Slugs's been snowing a lot here. It lies in thick blankets of cliche atop the slumbering earth. I look outside my window and it seems as though the vehicles have been eaten by giant marshmallow slugs. You can tell who hasn't used their vehicles in a while. They have succumbed to the giant gastropods of snow. Yesterday, I was walking through the crystal-rent air, trying to thaw my frozen nose when I looked to the side of the path upon which I tread, and caught a glimpse of something I often miss living here in the suffocating city. It was a large expanse of unbroken, silvery white. There were no buildings interupting the solitude of the silent glimmer. It was pure, unstained, and sparkling. The sun was out, though it warmed very little indeed, and it waltzed across the smooth ballroom, scattering the most exquisite of diamond shards onto the landscape. It was radiant. It was captivating. And because it was captivating, it made me think of dating. I know. I'm pathetic. Perh...