La vida en Butte, 'Merica: Life in Butte, 'Merica

The Wee One is so much less small than in my last post. And much less non-mobile. He is very fond of climbing things that are certainly not meant to be scaled, "organizing" things, saying "hola" and "bye, bye" to nearly everyone in his immediate surroundings with a high five, a fist bump, and a pointer-finger touch, and singing "Hallelujah" at random moments. He has most recently begun to say, "Otay" in response to us telling him the order of events of what we'll do. It's absolutely adorable! We are loving life here in my pseudo-hometown. I'm working at a private high school here as both the Library Media Specialist/Teacher Librarian and an English teacher. I'm taking online classes toward said certification for the library part, and working on my new amazing health and wellness business with Arbonne, Int. ( ) on the side. We are enjoying being a part of Fresh Life Church , doing life w...