
Showing posts from December, 2006

Traveling the World in 7 Days

11-30-06 The first leg of our great adventure began rather early this morning. But first, I will tell of a bit of the prep, as much of my stay here in Murcia came to a close in the last few days. Wednesday night, after class and grocery shopping for the trip, I returned home where all five of us roomies prepared our last dinner together. The two Cristinas left the following morning, so we had one last hoorah which lasted rather late. I woke up early the next morning to go to the market one last time. We rushed back to class at 10, printed off a few last minute documents at the locutorio, finished packing, and rushed to meet Laura, Charlie, and David at Laura and David's apartment. Together, we walked to the train station and hopped on the one to Barcelona. It was just over 7 hours, and, although there were two pesky drunk guys who paced back and forth the ENTIRE TRIP, I really enjoyed the train. We played MASH, chatted, and I watched two movies (in Spanish of course). We w...