Capricious California and Rolling Roadies
6/18/06 Mmm…just downed a cinnamon roll and some Minute-Maid orange/tangerine juice. Not a bad road trip breakfast. Mom and I are headed down to San Francisco after months of paperwork and preparation. Both of us worked yesterday, and I still had a bit of paperwork to take care of, so we left Divide about 7:30 PM. We spent the night at Penny and Coop’s. We hit the road again just before 7 AM, and have been driving ever since. We stopped in Twin Falls for food, and now are on 93 S to Wells. The sun is out, the tunes are jammin’…. 6/20/06 Oi vey. The pavement is a little chilly but otherwise the weather is tolerably amiable, although it was warmer at 4:40 AM. Yep, that’s right…I’ve been here on the sidewalk by the consulate since early this morning, although, technically, it’d only be 5:40 AM in MT. There are roughly 20 of us at this point, from all locations across the US , waiting for the Spanish consulate to open. Following my entry on the 18 th ...